Magic Show for Kids
A funny character, tired of juggling, Â decided to pursue a career as a magician, despite being a novice in the field, but helped by the children will be able to do really unexpected magic, surprising also himself! So accompanied by suggestions and encouragement from the public, will take a great little journey through a magical world that led him to learn and therefore to show many micromagical games : ropes, scarves, cards, dice, to get full of enthusiasm to a surprise ending.
Combriccola dei Lillipuziani
Performed by:
Matteo Giorgetti
Matteo Giorgetti
Rita Malavolta
Show Time:
60 minutes
Assembly Time:
30 Minutes
Disassembly Time:
20 Minutes
Stage Area:
The show can be performed both outdoors and indoors.
Magic for Kids, juggling
Technical Requirements:
Connection current (220v) near the place intended for the stage.
The company can be autonomous for the audio system.
The lights if necessary must instead be charged to the organization.
The show is also available in PIRATE VERSION.